Ugliness Man's Comics Blog

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

unwritten laws of comics

I was surprised to find out recently that Nancy is still running. It is second only to Family Circus in lameness and general banality, but, like Family Circus as well as Marmaduke and about a dozen other long-lasting titles, it just keeps going and going, supported in part by people who think that Will Farrell is funny and the humour in My Name is Earl is "too sophisticated". As you can probably guess, the only reason I read it at all is in my unofficial role as assistant to Matt, and like Cathy, I usually glance at it to see if there's an SPP and then move on. Quickly. Anyway, see if you can tell me what is wrong with today's Nancy strip:

If you can't find it, take a closer look at the "throwaway" second panel:

That's right, kids, mom's shirt says BADFINGER in big bold letters. Isn't there fundamental law of nature that says that characters in incredibly awful comic strips aren't allowed to own memorabilia of really cool bands? The next logical step, of course, is for the Family Circus parents to dig out their old Tom Waits records, and Heathcliff's owners will start reminiscing about the first Pink Floyd concert they went to. It's all going to hell, people, the lines are blurring.


  • At 5:58 PM, Blogger Matthew Guerrero said…

    When did Frank Cho start drawing Nancy? I didn't expect a button-eyed freak like her to have such a hot mom. But hey, you figure out cartoon genetics.

    Putting anything on the shirt at all is simply the artist's excuse to say, "Hey, look at the rack I just drew!"

  • At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dude -- she's not the mother -- she's Aunt Fritzi. Gawsh. :-P


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