Ugliness Man's Comics Blog

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Friday, September 29, 2006

dumb dumb dumb

B.C. is almost never genuinely funny anyway, but at least when there's lame jokes in the form of the recurring dictionary gag, as well as the "you know..." and "show me a..." bits, the lameness of the joke is blatant, and there's no pretense of an attempt at "sophisticated humour". The lameness of this strip, on the other hand, might be forgiven due to this self-awareness, except that it's not really a pun, and it's not really a joke, it's just plain dumb.

Broom Hilda also very rarely makes me laugh, and lately has been irritating on a regular basis. There's scantily clad women on the internet? Really? Wow, in a few more years there might actually be porn on the internet, and won't that be a disaster for North American values?

Okay, so let's say that the underlying "joke" of the opening panel is that it's a curmudgeonly old lady complaining about something modern. That might be alright if it wasn't for the fact that this exact same strip could have appeared 30 years ago with television as the subject instead of the internet. There are plenty of things on the internet for old fuddy-duddies to whine about, and the source of Broomie's ire is way down at the bottom of the list. And the follow-up "joke" is just plain stupid, and just plain not funny. What an utterly pointless strip.


  • At 1:36 AM, Blogger DaveyK said…

    Call me stupid, but when I first looked at BC I missed the pun entirely. In my defense, who would think you could get paid for such a stupid pun.

    I though this was some sort of commentary on the militarism of think tanks, which isn't any funnier, of ocurse.

  • At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ...actually, if Hilda would bother to search, she'd find an entire subclass of porn dedicated to "Bears" - just a little different from the one in the last panel. Perhaps Russel Meyers has a dark secret...?


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